Advice & Planning around your event

A successful event naturally starts with the planning. We find options for your ideas and our options often give rise to new ideas. Your vision combined with our expertise results in a successful event. The exchange of ideas is the be-all and end-all for project planning.

You can talk about anything!

Strictly speaking, you should when it comes to optimal planning. We therefore talk to you about goals, wishes and ideas for the event to be implemented and work together to find the optimal way to realize your plans in the best possible way. This way, your event will be fun in advance, will be a complete success on day X and will remain fondly remembered long afterward.

It doesn't matter whether your project is to be a face-to-face, virtual or hybrid event. Thorough planning helps to optimize results and minimize costs for your project.

Individual planning depth

Depending on the scope and type of event, in some cases prior 3D visualization of your location makes sense. This allows you to find solutions to any challenges at an early stage and noticeably simplify development processes for your planning team. Additional ideas may emerge and any necessities may only become apparent in the virtual preview.

3D design on the computer

Business People at a Videomeeting

What does it look like?

On site. What's in the planned location and what can you get out of it? We have already gained experience with numerous popular venues in Germany, so we are well informed about the possibilities and limitations of local conditions.

Sometimes a preview also makes sense. We would be happy to meet for a joint site inspection so that we can get a personal impression of the real situation.

On Location, ...

... at your place or at our company, by telephone or via video conference - the possibilities for good collaboration hand in hand are diverse. No two orders are the same and so not only your event, but also the planning phase becomes an individual tailor-made job that we are already looking forward to.

We are looking forward to your inquiry!