Event technology rental park

There are currently 0 items in our online rental park, which are listed in full here. Please note that not all available products have been included in our newly relaunched website and more are being added almost daily. Also, numerous (small) items such as cables, adapters, some converters, etc. are not necessarily listed in our online rental park. Therefore, please do not hesitate to ask us directly about specific articles.

You can see the complete list of our online rental park here. Optionally filter by manufacturer or product name to improve the overview. ⓘ .

You can only filter the displayed texts here, i.e. manufacturer and designation.

That means, for example, enter Panasonic to show all items from this manufacturer from all categories and hide all others. Or, if you remember a projector having "DZ" in its name, type DZ.

You cannot carry out a deeper search here, which would, for example, also search through the description texts or sometimes also find synonyms (e.g. projector → projector). The best way to do this is to use the search in the menu.

0 intems total in the rental park, 0